
This is for Alisa’s challenge of Secret Places.  It’s not quite secret, if I knew of any secret places I wouldn’t tell you lot otherwise they wouldn’t be secret.  It’s one of those side streets that you normally miss unless you happen to be strolling around looking for something to take a picture of.

Canon EOS5 with Ilford.

16 replies to “Approach

  1. I love finding little secret places! My current favorite requires going through a smelly passage between two old buildings, but when you find the space there are these wonderful, brightly-colored graffiti murals on the back wall of the blues club that’s inside the building.


  2. It looks like it might lead somewhere secret. I love narrow lanes and alleys, there’s a great alley in London called Brydges Place that’s so narrow only one person at a time can walk down it.


  3. I’m definitely drawn to such places! I always find it so difficult to take pictures of them though!

    By the way, since you are a film person I wanted to ask you how you digitalise your pictures? Do you use a flatbed scanner or a film scanner? I’m just starting out on film now 🙂


          1. Oh yes, of course. While prices for developing are not so bad generally, the scans are too expensive for low resolution. I calculated that after 12 films it would already be cheaper to buy a flatbed scanner probably with better results anyway.

            At the moment I’m shooting the worst off-brand colour roll I could find to see whether the rangefinder of my Zorki is aligned. I’ll send that to the cheapest lab around just to see how bad it can get. I’ll gradually move to better film and better labs.

            I think there is no real doubt about it: I’ll stick with film, since I want to shoot with rangefinder cameras and there is just no way I could afford a Leica at the moment.


          2. A friend of mine recommended Tri-X to me. He prefers it because of what the grain looks like. I’ll probably try Ilford, T-max and Tri-X for starters and see which one I like best 🙂



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