Infinite Seating

seating seating2


15 replies to “Infinite Seating

  1. Hi there, my name is Almeida Garcez and I´m a freelance illustrator and writer. I just wanted to let you know, that I really like your photos, and would like to ask you if I could have your permission to do a illustration based on the title of this photo.

    Kindest regards
    Almeida Garcez


      1. Hi there.
        I know it took a while, but I finally had time to be focus on the illustration that I said I was doing about a phrase from you. I just wanted to ask you, if you mind giving me your name and nationality so I can add it to the post. I already posted and mentioned your blog.
        Thank you so much for the inspiring words.

        Kindest Regards
        Almeida Garcez



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